Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Way to go America!

The Republican is out and the SOCIALIST is in!

I simply cannot wait for us to get our asses taxed off and our lazy, no-good citizens to benefit even MORE from our hard-earned money!
Oh! And I can't wait to kill some more babies!
YES! Everything I've hoped for!
Way to go, you damn liberals.

(sorry, about the language, but it's the most sincere way for me to be honest.)

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Yes, I Am.

I am in a wonderful place in my life.
  • I have Jesus.
  • I have family.
  • I have friendship.
  • I have a good boy.
  • And I have laughter.

Things are going very well, thank you.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

I Loathe the Peace Sign

Because it's attached to the corruption of the crooked and everything that this disgusting world has come to stand for.
I could go on for hours, but I don't feel the need.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

We Are Family

A middle-aged woman held the door open for me with a sickeningly-fake smile. I immerged into a large foyer that smelled of fresh paint and plaster. The "welcome counter" that stood before me somehow managed to make itself very uninviting.
I looked to my left: video game consoles and highly-priced televisions were trapped in protective cases. Seven, maybe eight of them, lined two walls. I could practically feel the cold tiles of the floor through my black flip-flops.
The far corner boasted a cafe, complete with tables and chairs.
"I just need you to fill this out, please. And here's a ticket. You'll need to hang onto that. They will be having a drawing later."
Her shirt let me know that she was staff. I filled out the "first time visitor" slip and handed it to the lady just behind the counter.
I could hear loud music finding its way through closed doors to the greeting area.
"Hey, I'm Johnny." He held out his hand toward me. Again, an obvious staff member.
I shook his hand and gave him my name, knowing he would forget it within the next five minutes.
Johnny opened a door and led me and my friends into what seemed to be a concert. The lights were dimmed, making it hard to recognize my surroundings. A stage in front of me shelved a band composed of two guitarists, a bassist, drummer, keyboard player, and a singer. A mass of teens crowded the pedestal leaving me to only imagine what the performers looked like from the waste down.
Although it was dark, lighting effects lit up the front of the auditorium. As the band began to play blue, red, green, and white lights shone into my eyes throughout the music, but hardly lingering in my face, only to move onto the next unsuspecting pair of eyes.
Different shapes were cast on the walls, bouncing from place to place throughout the band's performance.
Hands were lifted high into the air. Heads with eyes closed were facing the ceiling.

I do not know this place.
I do not know these people.
I do not ask the same questions.
I do not feel comfortable.

I do worship the same God.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Life Credos

As an assignment from my English teacher, I am to write down ten life Credos. Credos being life motto...type things. They do not all have to be original statements, but just some that we might live by, perhaps. I like the assignment, so I thought I would post the Credos I enjoy most.

  1. Every day is good; some days are just better than others. --My daddy
  2. Life's what you make it, so make it rock. --Miley Cyrus (holla at ya girl ;)
  3. Broken hearts hurt, but they make you strong. --Kimya Dawson
  4. Throw your heart over the fence and the rest will follow. --Norman Vincent Peale
  5. Hope sees the invisible, feels the intangible and achieves the impossible. --Unknown
  6. Find out who you are and do it on purpose. --Dolly Parton
  7. Imagination is more important than knowledge. --Albert Einstein
  8. Everybody is somebody else's weirdo. --Unknown
  9. Christ is not a fashion fleeting away. --The Chariot
  10. For success, attitude is as important as ability. --Unknown

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Dang you, Morgan Freeman

Do you ever feel like you're narrating your own life? Like, you are someone completely different from yourself, looking at your world from the outside. And that separate person is analyzing every decision that you make. Every word that you speak.

Maybe that's just me.

Schizophrenia? Split personalities? Different ways of thinking?

Oh, the possibilities.

Dang you Morgan Freeman. You are the man who puts these sorts of thoughts into my mind. You are not God, you!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

And in it, I am complete

ily. i luv u. i <3 u. i heart you. Love you.
I hate it when people use these ways to show their affection. It feels insincere and dishonest. It takes some of the meaning away. If I love someone, I will never use a shortened version to tell them that. If I love someone, I will never make it into an acronymn. I will never acquaint symbols to represent such a strong word as 'love.' And I will never be false about it.

Although, I tell people all the time that I love them, I will not lie. I will not tell someone that I do not truly love, that I love them. I just can't. Not only would I be lying if I did, but I would be lying about one of the most powerful words ever created.

Love is awesome. It's quite possibly the greatest feeling in the world. No, not being in love, just love.
Having love.
Giving love.
All is wonderful.

God's love is the greatest though. No matter how I tell Him, He still loves to hear it.
Even if I don't spell it all out. And, even if I don't always tell him, he still loves me regardless.
It is unfathomable.

I am His, and He is mine.


I Felt Really Good This Day, Yes

You’re pouring your love all over me and it’s dripping off the tops and sides and bottoms and middles of trees full of splendid little busy bees about doing your purpose how can this be? That you’ve let my heart to see and experience and take in and now to sing… sing sing sing about your love to everybody anybody or the somebody that’s considered a nobody but they are special to thee and for that I thank thee that these things have been shown to me.

Keep this mercy falling down down and this grace falling down down… on the top of my scalp dripping off of my nose down around my bellybutton all the way to my pinky toe cuticle that you made and for that it is cool. Sometimes I play the fool but still your love is all around, sprouting from the ground here and there and everywhere especially on this floor that I now stand.

And how amazingly awesome is your plan that cannot be thwarted by any man no matter how big or strong or ugly or evil he be, because through you is victory. And it’s victory that I now speak of and have to let out of my skin because for too long it’s been contained therein.

Lord I praise you because you are different and efficient. And you’ve tweaked my spirit just enough so that I can taste and see that you truly are good. Like a fresh picked pineapple for the first time in my mouth or the warmth of your sun on the back of my not warm neck on a not warm day. I praise your name today and tomorrow and forever.

--Bradley Hathaway